This service is produced by the Endangered
Languages of the Pacific Rim Project, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
on Priority Areas, the Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
and Technology.
(Some of the following titles are to be used as technical reference
materials and are not appropriate for beginning learners of Ainu.)
Adami, Norbert Richard. (1981). Verzeichnis der europäischsprachigen
Literatur über die Ainu, Otto
Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden.
Adami, Norbert Richard. (1991). Russischsprachige Japanliteratur: Ein
Auswahlverzeichnis; 1980-1990 - Literature on Japan in Russian: A Selective
Bibliography, Iudicum Verlag,
München. ISBN:3-89129-280-5.
AILA '99 Tokyo Organizing Committee. (ed.)(2000). Selected Papers from
AILA '99 Tokyo, Waseda University Press.
Batchelor, John. (1938). An Ainu-English-Japanese Dictionary, 4th
edition, 3rd printing in 1995, Iwanami
Shoten Publishers, Tokyo. ISBN:4-00-080055-8.
Batchelor, John. (1888-1893). Specimens of Ainu Folk-Lore (I-VII,VIII-IX,X-XII).
of the Asiatic Society of Japan, XVI, XVIII, XX. (reprinted in 1964,
Batchelor, John. (1924). Ainu Fireside Stories, Kyobunkan, Tokyo.
(reprinted in 1980, Hokkaido Shuppan Kikaku Center, Sapporo. telephone:+81-11-737-1755)
Bugaeva, Anna. (2002). "Hekaci" (The Story of a Boy) by Oda Ito, in Tomomi
Sato (ed.) Preliminary Reports on Ainu Dialects (1) (Endangered
Languages of the Pacific Rim Project Publications Series A2-014).
Bugaeva, Anna. (2004). Classification of reciprocals and Sociatives in Ainu, In O. Miyaoka & F. Endo (eds.) Languages of the North Pacific Rim, volume 9(Endangered
Languages of the Pacific Rim Project Publications Series A2-043).
Chamberlain, Basil Hall. (1887). The Language, Mythology and Geographical
Nomenclature of Japan Viewed in the Light of Aino Studies. Memoirs
of the Literature College, Tokyo Imperial University,No. 1, Tokyo.
Dettmer, Hans Adalbert. (1989-97). Ainu Grammatik Teil I/II,Harrassowitz
Verlag, Wiesbaden, ISBN:3-447-02864-5, 3-447-03761-X.
Dobrotvorskij, Mikhail Mikhailovich. (1875). Ainsko-Ruskij-Slovorj.
(reprinted in 1996) The Ainu Library Collection
Executive Committee of the International Symposium. (ed.)(1985). Proceedings
of the International Symposium on B.Pilsudski's Phonographic Records and
the Ainu Culture. Hokkaido University.
Fitzhugh, William W., & Dubreuil, Chisato O. (eds.)(1999). AINU:
Spirit of a Northern People. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian
Institution, University of
Washington Press. ISBN: 0-295-97912-7.
Izutsu, Katsunobu. (2000). The semantics of the Ainu auxiliary OASI: aspectual
and modal senses. Journal
of Hokkaido linguistics, 1, 1-14.
Izutsu, Katsunobu. (2001). Ainu Okere and Isam: Where Completion,
Remarkableness, Adversity, Absence, and Disappearance Meet. Journal
of Hokkaido linguistics, 2, 19-34.
Kayano, Shigeru. (1985). The romance of the bear god : Ainu folktales,
Shoten. ISBN:4-469-21124-9.
Kayano, Shigeru. (1994). Our Land Was a Forest: an Ainu Memoir, Transitions:
Asia and Asian America, Westview
Press. ISBN:0-8133-1880-7(PB.), 0-813381707-X(Cloth).
Kreiner, Josef. (ed.)(1993). European Studies on Ainu Language and Culture,
Monographien aus dem Deutschen Institut für Japanstudien der Philipp-Franz-von-Siebold-Stiftung,
Band 6, Iudicum Verlag,
München. ISBN:3-89129-486-7.
Munro, Neil Gordon. (1962). Ainu: Creed and Cult. Edited with a
preface and an additional chapter by B. Z. Seligman, Introduction by H.
Watanabe, Columbia University Press.. (reprinted in 1996) Kegan
Paul International, London and New York, ISBN:0-7103-0520-6.
Ohnuki-Tierney, Emiko. (1974). The Ainu of the Northwest Coast of Southern
Sakhalin,Holt, Rineharat and Winston, New York. (reprinted in 1984)
Press, Prospect Heights, IL. ISBN:0-88133-092-2.
Osami, Gizo. (1996). Uepekere of Chitose: Thirteen Stories from the
Land of the Ainu, Kyobunsha(WWW
site in Japanese), Sapporo. ISBN:4-906198-70-8.
Philippi, Donald L. (1979). Songs of Gods, Songs of Humans: The Epic
Tradition of the Ainu, University of Tokyo Press (WWW
site in Japanese). ISBN:0-86008-235-0.
Pilsudski, Bronizlaw. (1912). Materials for the Study of the Ainu Language
and Folklore, Cracow, Imperial Academy of Sciences, (reprinted in 1996)
Ainu Library Collection 1, Vol.1.
Pilsudski, Bronislaw. (1998-). The Collected Works of Bronislaw Pilsudski,
Trends in Linguistics. Documentation 15, ed. A.F. Majewicz, Mouton
de Gruyter. ISBN:3-11-010928-X, 3-11-016118-4
Refsing, Kirsten. (ed.)(1996). The Ainu Library
Collection 1:Early European Writings on the Ainu Language, 10 vols,
Press, Richmond. ISBN: 07007-0400-0.
Refsing, Kirsten. (ed.)(1998). The Ainu Library Collection 2: Origins
of the Ainu Language:The Indo-European Controversy, 5 vols, Curzon
Press, Richmond. ISBN: 07007-1155-4, 4-931444-01-6.
Refsing, Kirsten. (ed.)(2000). The Ainu Library Collection 3: Early
European Writings on Ainu Culture,Pt. 1 Travelogues and General Descriptions,
5 vols, Curzon Press, Richmond.
ISBN:07007-1034-5, 4-931444-19-9.
Refsing, Kirsten. (ed.)(2002). The Ainu Library Collection 4: Early
European Writings on Ainu Culture,Pt. 2 Religion and Folklore, 5 vols,
London, New York. ISBN:07007-1486-5, 4-931444-25-3.
Sato, Tomomi. (1997). Possessive Expressions in Ainu. In T. Hayashi &
P. Bhaskararao(eds.), Studies in Possessive Expressions: A Report of
the Joint Research Project "Analysis and Description of Individual Languages
and Linguistic Typology," Institute for the Study of Languages and
Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
Shibatani, Masayoshi. (1990). The Languages of Japan. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge. ISBN:0-521-36918-5(PB), 0-521-36070(Cloth).
Taguchi (Refsing), Kirsten Yumiko. (1974). An Annotated Catalogue of
Ainu Material, Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series
No.20, Studentlitteratur, Lund.
Tamura, Suzuko. (1967). Studies of the Ainu Language. In T.A. Sebeok(ed.),
Trends in Linguistics Vol.II: Linguistics in East Asia and South East Asia,
The Hague, Paris.
Tamura, Suzuko. (1970). Personal Affixes in the Saru Dialect of Ainu. In
in General and Oriental Linguistics, TEC Company, Tokyo.
Institute for the Study of Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo
University of Foreign Studies. (1978). Asian & African Grammatical
Manual No.11z SAKHALIN AINU.
2. Video/Audio Materials
Association for the Transmission and Maintenance of Ainu Intangible Culture
The Culture of Ainu. [Video Cassette with Japanese/English
bilingual audio tracks and booklets] fax:+81-11-221-0672, telephone:+81-11-221-0019
November, 8, 2004: New listings: Bugaeva (2004) 2 titles.
March 1, 2003: New listing: Bugaeva (2002).
September 21: New listing: Refsing (ed., 2002). The full name of
the MEXT has been updated.
September 6, 2002: New listing: Izutsu(2001). Linked to the ELPR WWW service.
The URL of Tamura(2000) has been updated. Does anyone know where
Iudicum Verlag has gone ?
September 2: New listings: Izutsu(2000), Kayano(1985, 1994) and Osami(1996).
The URLs of Kurokawa, et al. (1993), Yushodo and Iwanami WWW services have
been updated.
February 4: Permanent service started on
January 26, 2001: Correction of the name of the Smithsonian Institution
(not "Smithsonian Institute.")
December 10: New listing: AILA '99 Tokyo Organizing Committee(ed.)(2000).
November 29: New listings: Tamura(1967) and Sato(1997).
November 28: An announce to the members of the Endangered Languages of
the Pacific Rim project.